
We specialize in getting you our products in as timely a manner as possible. On occasion, an item may not be readily available and must be backordered from the manufacturer. If any part of an order is backordered, we follow these steps:

  • Items on backorder are charged at point-of-sale in full, just as immediate-shipment items. This is to reserve an item from the manufacturer, in some cases, actually producing it on demand. A refund can be issued if the item is successfully cancelled (*See below for info on cancellation).
  • Notify you by email which items are on backorder and the estimated ship date. This email is sent within 24 hours of the order being placed.
  • As the estimated ship date approaches (within 1-2 days of the ship date) we verify with the shipping warehouse or manufacturer that the date is still correct. If the manufacturer has a delay, we update the backorder date and again notify you by email. Production for some specialty items do happen - we apologize in advance, but we will do everything to help you get your products as soon as possible.
  • Backordered items can be cancelled if they are confirmed as not-shipped. Items that have left the production (manufacturer) or original storage facility can no longer be cancelled as title is considered as passed to the customer. If you need to cancel a backordered item, please contact customer service and we will attempt to halt shipment of the product. A confirmation email or phone call will be made to confirm the cancellation and subsequent credit or change to your order.


Please note that in most cases we send notification by email. To ensure you receive all communication and that our order-notification emails are not caught by SPAM-filters, please add to your safe-list or address book. Also, our call center and specialist staff, stand ready to answer any inquiries or assist in helping with your order. Our contact information can be viewed in full here.

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